* Important COVID-19 Information for people in the following 8 communities. Please Read.
MA has launched an initiative called “Stop the Spread” which offers FREE testing to residents of eight communities that have the highest rates of COVID-19 disease in the state—Chelsea, Everett, Fall River, Lawrence, Lowell, Lynn, Marlborough, and New Bedford. While the population of these communities make up approximately 9% of the Commonwealth’s population, they have had 27% of the Commonwealth’s positive tests in the last two weeks. The statewide positive test rate over the past two weeks is approximately 2%, but in these eight communities, 8% of tests have been positive.
The state is recommending that all residents of these communities be tested even if you have no COVID-19 symptoms.
The program is set to run from July 10 to August 14 and a list of testing sites and times can be found here.
If you live in one of these communities, please get tested to help stop the spread. If you know people that live in these communities, please make sure that they are informed.
Thank you Start Line Families!